Get events by creation number
Event types are globally identifiable by an account address
monotonically increasing creation_number
, one per event type emitted
to the given account. This API returns events corresponding to that
that event type.
Path Parameters
Hex-encoded 32 byte Aptos account, with or without a 0x
prefix, for
which events are queried. This refers to the account that events were
emitted to, not the account hosting the move module that emits that
event type.
Creation number corresponding to the event stream originating from the given account.
Query Parameters
Starting sequence number of events.
If unspecified, by default will retrieve the most recent events
Max number of events to retrieve.
If unspecified, defaults to default page size
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
String representation of an on-chain Move type tag that is exposed in transaction payload.
- bool
- u8
- u16
- u32
- u64
- u128
- u256
- address
- signer
- vector: vector<{non-reference MoveTypeId}>
- struct: {address}::{module_name}::{struct_name}::<{generic types}>
Vector type value examples:
- `vector<u8>`
- `vector<vector<u64>>`
- `vector<0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>>`
Struct type value examples:
- `0x1::coin::CoinStore<0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin>
- `0x1::account::Account`
1. Empty chars should be ignored when comparing 2 struct tag ids.
2. When used in an URL path, should be encoded by url-encoding (AKA percent-encoding).
The JSON representation of the event