Simulate transaction
The output of the transaction will have the exact transaction outputs and events that running an actual signed transaction would have. However, it will not have the associated state hashes, as they are not updated in storage. This can be used to estimate the maximum gas units for a submitted transaction.
To use this, you must:
- Create a SignedTransaction with a zero-padded signature.
- Submit a SubmitTransactionRequest containing a UserTransactionRequest containing that signature.
To use this endpoint with BCS, you must submit a SignedTransaction encoded as BCS. See SignedTransaction in types/src/transaction/
Query Parameters
If set to true, the max gas value in the transaction will be ignored and the maximum possible gas will be used
If set to true, the gas unit price in the transaction will be ignored and the estimated value will be used
If set to true, the transaction will use a higher price than the original estimate.
A request to submit a transaction
This requires a transaction and a signature of it
A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.
This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.
For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
An enum of the possible transaction payloads
An enum representing the different transaction signatures available
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
Whether the transaction was successful
The VM status of the transaction, can tell useful information in a failure
Final state of resources changed by the transaction
A final state change of a transaction on a resource or module
A hex encoded 32 byte Aptos account address.
This is represented in a string as a 64 character hex string, sometimes shortened by stripping leading 0s, and adding a 0x.
For example, address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 is represented as 0x1.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
An enum of the possible transaction payloads
Events generated by the transaction
An event from a transaction
A string containing a 64-bit unsigned integer.
We represent u64 values as a string to ensure compatibility with languages such as JavaScript that do not parse u64s in JSON natively.
An enum representing the different transaction signatures available