In the rapidly evolving world of Web3, Real-time responsiveness are critical to building blockchain applications. However The traditional way of retrieving data from blockchain, which involves periodically querying on-chain data, is not only inefficient but can also result in data lags.

That’s why we need a real-time way to query on-chain data, and Webhook becomes a simple, easy and customizable way to achieve it.

Webhook offers a useful mechanism that allows developers to set specific triggers, notifying applications instantaneously when particular events occur on the chain. This ”push” rather than ”pull” approach ensures data immediacy, significantly enhancing application responsiveness.

The Primary Advantages and Features Webhook Provided:

  • Real-time: Applications can be notified the moment specific events transpire.
  • Flexibility: Developers can customize event listeners based on their requirements.
  • Efficiency: Compared to traditional polling methods, Webhook reduces the strain on networks and servers.

What is Webhook API?

The Chainbase Webhook API enables you to receive real-time requests to your backends whenever the following events occur on dataset tables: insert, update, and delete.

The Webhook API consists of two core concepts: webhooks and filters.


A webhook will send an HTTP POST request containing the event details to a webhook URL of your choice. To create a webhook, you can specify a URL to which notifications will be sent, a filter ID (from the filter you created, mentioned below), a dataset identifier, and a table identifier. Once a webhook is created, notifications will be received immediately for all on-chain events starting from the time of creation.


The body of the HTTP POST requests sent to webhooks will contain a JSON object with the following fields:



A filter is used to specify a subset of events which you want to receive notifications for.

To create a filter, you can specify a set of entries. Each entry has two properties: field and values. The field property stands for the field name to filter on. The value property is a set of string values (e.g., 0x addresses) to be matched. Within each entry, the values are implicitly ORed. Across entries, the values are implicit ANDed.

For example, the following filter will match both “A” or “B” for the walletAddress field and “x” for the contractAddress field.

    "field": "walletAddress",
    "values": ["A", "B"]
    "field": "contractAddress",
    "values": ["x"]

The scope of webhooks and filters

Webhooks and filters are scoped to the Chainbase account. This means that any API key associated with an Account can create, update, or delete a filter or webhook within the Account.

Additionally, any API key belonging to the Account can view all filters and webhooks within the Account, including those created by other API keys within the same Account.

Error handling mechanism of webhook

The webhook retry push time is initially 10s, increasing exponentially, with a maximum interval of 10 mins, and will keep pushing failed messages until success.

Webhook API Endpoint

EndpointWhat to use it for?
GetWebhookGet specific webhook by id
GetAllWebhooksGet all webhooks created in the account
CreateWebhookCreate webhook
UpdateWebhookUpdate webhook
ActivateWebhookActivate webhook
DeactivateWebhookDeactivate webhook
DeleteWebhookDelete webhook