🎉 Webhook API is in Beta!

Webhook API enables you to receive real-time requests to your backends whenever the following events occur on dataset tables: insert, update


In Web3, Webhooks are designed as a powerful and convenient toolkit designed to bridge the gap between On-Chain events and Off-Chain monitors. By providing real-time monitoring capabilities, Webhook ensures that users are always on the pulse of the decentralized world.

Its core advantages are its real-time, customizability and reliability. Whether you’re a dApp developer looking to enhance your user experience or a business looking for seamless blockchain integration, Webhook’s real-time data synchronization gives you a competitive advantage in the fast-paced Web3.


From transactions monitoring to DeFi, and NFT dApps building, Webhook become more and more popular in Web3 toolkits and dApps development. We could not only develop a bunch of On-Chain data monitoring toolkits but also build some complex dApps. Here are some examples

  • Monitor Assets: Get real-time notifications when an asset is being sent, received, staked, swapped, or burned. This is particularly useful for exchanges and DeFi applications where the dynamics of assets are frequently changing.
  • Real-Time Wallet Notifications: Monitor when an address sends, receives, stakes, swaps, or burns assets. This feature can also be used in tracking unauthorized transactions for security purposes.
  • Token Sales Activities: Receive notifications when someone participates in your token sale. This could significantly enhance marketing and sales strategies by understanding investor behavior in real-time.
  • Smart Contract Event Monitoring: Trigger on-chain events based on your filters. Real-time contract interaction information can be obtained through the webhook. For example, when a smart contract method is invoked or the state variables change.
  • NFT trade tracking: Use webhooks to monitor the release and trading activities of specific artists or series of NFTs. Both collectors and market investors can be notified in real-time, greatly increasing their chances of bidding for the works.


Here are the features and benefits Chainbase Webhook could offer:

  • Real-time: With Chainbase Webhook, Instead of periodically polling the server, receive notifications immediate the moment specific events occur. The real-time capability offering users a seamless experience.
  • Customizability: Tailor your notifications to fit your unique needs. you have the flexibility to specify which events trigger notifications, allowing for a more relevant and streamlined data flow.
  • Reliable: Consistency is key, you’re guaranteed a reliable stream of notifications. Engineered to handle high volumes of data, you can trust our system to deliver the information you need

Quick Start

Here is an quick-started example illustrated how to use Chainbase Webhook to monitor On-Chain events in minutes.

1. Setup Webhook Listener

With webhook.site service you could quick and easy to setup a Webhook monitor service that could be used to test the Webhook you created. As the figure show. You could click the copy button to copy the Webhook URL to paste in the Webhook configuration

Webhook.site Test Service

2. Create your Webhook

By logging into the Chainbase console. Just click Create Webhook as figure show. You could create a Webhook to listen the specific datasets like ethereum logs or transactions and so on.

Webhook Management

Create Webhook

3. Add filter to Webhook

Once you have created the Webhook. If you want to filter the specific address, you could select the Address field in Filter panel and edit to input the address value you want to monitor.

Specify the Address Filter

4. Monitor real-time events

You could see the created Webhook has been listed in the table below. and open the webhook.site you setup. the events are continues to push on the left panel.

Monitor Webhook Events
