— The hyperscalable EVM protocol on Arweave

WeaveVM (WVM) is a EVM-compatible protocol engineered to manage complex, large-scale data computation without the high gas fees typically associated with on-chain state storage on EVM chains. WVM is also the first EVM-compatible protocol that fully relies on Arweave for decentralized data storage, enabling atomicity of source code and data storage on the same ledger. WVM incorporates the principles of VACP, bolstering its ability to handle complex data structures efficiently and gaslessly.

The MetaData of the WeaveVM Testnet Blockchain

Twitter Link: https://x.com/weavevm

Blog URL: https://blog.wvm.dev/

Documentation: https://docs.wvm.dev/

Tags: Infra, Altchain EVM

Blobs Column Descriptions

Table Blobs Sample

Transaction logs Column Descriptions

Transaction logs Sample

Transactions Column Descriptions

Transactions Sample