1. base_blocks
Table Description
The ton.base_blocks table stores detailed information about each block on the TON (The Open Network) basechain, which workchain = 0. This data is crucial for understanding the structure and content of blocks, providing insights into the transactions they contain and their role in the blockchain.
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2. base_transactions
Table Description
The ton.base_transactions table logs all transactions occurring on the TON (The Open Network) basechain, which workchain = 0. This data is essential for tracking and analyzing the flow of assets and interactions within the network, providing a comprehensive record of all transactional activities.
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Table Sample
3. master_blocks
Table Description
The ton.master_blocks table stores detailed information about each block on the TON (The Open Network) masterchain, which workchain = -1. This data is crucial for understanding the structure and content of blocks, providing insights into the transactions they contain and their role in the blockchain.
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Table Sample
4. master_transactions
Table Description
The ton.master_transactions table logs all transactions occurring on the TON (The Open Network) materchain, which workchain = -1. This data is essential for tracking and analyzing the flow of assets and interactions within the network, providing a comprehensive record of all transactional activities.
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Table Sample
5. messages
Table Description
The ton.messages table stores detailed information about messages on the TON (The Open Network) blockchain. Messages in TON are integral parts of the transaction logic, carrying data and instructions between accounts and smart contracts. This data is crucial for understanding the interactions and operations within the TON network.
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6. sub_shards
Table Description
Masterchain block stores only the reference to lastest shard blocks of workchain.