
D2ORAD^2ORA (Decentralized Weight-Decomposed Low-Rank Adaptation) extends the DoRA algorithm to a decentralized environment, enabling distributed training across multiple servers.

D2ORAD^2ORA Algorithm

Step 1: Initialization

We first initialize the parameter matrices of Theia and the low-rank matrices.

  • Magnitude Vector Initialization: Initialize the magnitude vector mm using the column-wise norm of the pre-trained weight matrix W0W_0:

    m=W0cm = ||W_0||_c
  • Directional Matrix Initialization: Set the directional matrix VV to the pre-trained weight matrix W0W_0:

    V=W0V = W_0
  • Low-Rank Matrices Initialization: Initialize the low-rank matrices BB and AA for the LoRA method.

Step 2: Decomposition

Decompose the pre-trained weight matrix W0W_0 into its magnitude and direction components. The pre-trained weight is directly derived from the NLP model.

  • Magnitude Decomposition:

    m=W0cm = ||W_0||_c
  • Directional Decomposition:

    V=W0/W0cV = W_0 / ||W_0||_c

Step 3: Distributed Training

For each server in the decentralized network, perform the following:

  • Distribution: Distribute the initialized mm, VV, BB, and AA to all servers.

  • Iterations: For each iteration tt from 1 to TT:

    • Weight Update Calculation: Compute the weight update ΔW\Delta W using the low-rank adaptation method:

      ΔW=BA\Delta W = BA
    • Magnitude Vector Update: Update the magnitude vector mm:

      m=mηmL(m,V)m = m - \eta \nabla_m L(m, V)
    • Directional Matrix Update: Update the low-rank matrices BB and AA with gradient descent:

      B=BηBL(B,A)B = B - \eta \nabla_B L(B, A)
      A=AηAL(B,A)A = A - \eta \nabla_A L(B, A)

Step 4: Aggregation

After all iterations are completed, collect updates from all servers and aggregate them:

  • Magnitude Vector Aggregation:

    m=aggregate(m)m' = \text{aggregate}(m)
  • Directional Matrix Aggregation:

    V=aggregate(V)V' = \text{aggregate}(V)
  • Low-Rank Matrices Aggregation:

    B=aggregate(B)B' = \text{aggregate}(B)
    A=aggregate(A)A' = \text{aggregate}(A)

Step 5: Merging

Merge the updated components to form the final weight matrix:

  • Final Weights Calculation:
    W=mVVc+BAW' = m' \frac{V'}{||V'||_c} + B'A'

Step 6: Return Updated Weights

Return the updated weights WW' as the final output of the algorithm. We use it as the weight parameters of Theia.


D^2ORA enhances the capabilities of DoRA by enabling decentralized training across multiple servers. This approach leverages blockchain technology to ensure trustworthiness, making it suitable for training AI models in a distributed and secure environment.